Vivienne Westwood is making a notable return. Traditionally showcasing her premium men’s line, MAN Label, in Milan, the British designer has announced a shift to London, starting with the men’s fall collections in January. She will also combine this line with her women’s Red Label, formalizing the gender-blending she has frequently presented on the runway. This new unified line will be called simply Vivienne Westwood and become her signature collection. Meanwhile, her Paris show will be renamed Andreas Kronthaler for Vivienne Westwood, acknowledging the contributions of her husband and design partner, and will also feature unisex collections. The goal, she explained, is to “reduce our company in size. And reduce it to its essentials. Selling only what we love. Our whole structure will be directed by quality. Buy less, choose well, make it last.” Westwood, who has long advocated for a more eco-sustainable and anti-materialistic fashion consumption approach, appears to be truly aligning her business practices with her principles.

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