Title: An Intricate Soundscape Enhances a Show Focused on Impeccable Fashion
An elaborate auditory landscape composed of sound bites and music snippets featuring icons like Bowie, Warhol, and other artistic legends set the tone for the show. Despite the complexity of the soundtrack, the show itself was anything but complicated. The spotlight was firmly on flawless clothing, and what a spotlight it was. With or without the soundtrack, the presentation was dizzyingly poetic. The collection paid homage to the artist’s studio, psychedelia, and luxurious leisure, all approached with a tailor’s precision. This show made the strongest case for the renewed emphasis on tailoring that has been prominent in this men’s fashion calendar. These were the clothes we wanted to wear and be seen in, if the mood struck (raincoats featured reversible designs with patterned linings).
The tie-dye prints, which initially seemed like organic handprints, were meticulously engineered for perfect symmetry and pattern placement in the tailored pieces. For softer materials like cotton and knit, traditional hand-dyeing techniques were used, adding a subtle yet suitably elegant touch from Van Noten. The show concluded with an exquisitely tailored tuxedo – a structured new silhouette paired with soft trousers, worn with a white cotton shirt and matching white cotton tie, and a padded blanket nonchalantly draped over the arm. It presented the most compelling argument for daytime formality that we’ve ever seen. Absolute perfection.